Future Business

Future Business

The world is making huge strides and advances, where innovations and developments are greatly altering our lifestyles and the world almost daily. New technologies are  affecting us very rapidly and the speed of development is so fast that it cannot even be imagined. According to many experts, the world is preparing to enter a new technological era, which is referred to as “Artificial Intelligence” and “Intelligent Communication Networks”,  and other titles.

Undoubtedly, large ventures must adapt themselves to the complex and technological conditions of the future order to remain in the game. This issue is vital for their survival and many large international companies have already invested in many areas of futures businesses.


Having studied and predicted future developments, Karim Investment Holding has focused a significant part of its planning and focus on this sector and is monitoring future market trends.


It seems that the world in the next decade will fundamentally rely on several areas of technology that will affect numerous businesses and occupations. Some of these important areas include artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), smart transportation, self-driving cars, microprocessors and the semiconductor industry, renewable energies, clean transportation, electric vehicles, virtual reality (VR), the Metaverse and communication networks.


The research and development team of Karim Investment Holding, in sync with the  management, is researching future developments by continuously monitoring future technological changes and trends and reports the important areas for investment and profitability. Considering the capacity of knowledge-based companies in this field, we have significantly increased our cooperation and investment in novel technologies and innovations.


The newly established “Kangoro” brand, which oversees the expansion and development of infrastructure for the use of electric vehicles and the expansion of transportation, is a product of our investment in knowledge-based companies.


Currently, the Kangoro brand has taken a big step towards the development of clean transportation and the use of electric vehicles in the Mena region by developing and installing charging stations and creating a smart network of mobile batteries. Our ambitious vision for Kangoro is that by 2025, this company will become one of the main ventures in the MENA region in the field of sales and services of electric vehicles and clean transportation.


Karim Investment Holding has also invested in “Metashar” knowledge-based virtual-reality company to provide services in this futures sector.

The field of renewable energies is another area highly attractive to us and the participation of knowledge-based companies in the sector is necessary and inevitable for the development of renewable energies, the key factor being the existence of vast, arid desert areas in the Middle East and North Africa that can be used for the all-year-round generation of solar and wind energy.


Finally, the creation of smart networks in the supply chain and logistics sector is one of the future investment areas considered by KIH.

Undoubtedly, the main secret to our success in the future and achieving the goals of Karim Investment Holding’s 2030 strategy lies in the understanding of future developments and serious investment in futures trading, which is the focus of our seriously determined management.